Plenary Sessions (Ballroom)
- 09:00 The 2020 Answer: The missing elements
David Lowen, conference organiser, sets out what is missing so far in the regional television answer to the challenges: it is our staff and our opportunity to co-operate.
09:05 Trainees today: Editors and Producers in 2020
Training in media skills is an essential part of CIRCOM. Every year there are training schemes, such as the one taking place in Malta over the past 10 days. The trainees and the trainers show what they have been doing. This is important because those who are well trained by CIRCOM today become our industry leaders in the next decade.
Anita Bhalla, CIRCOM Training chair and BBC,
Karol Cioma and trainers
All the Malta trainees, with video excerpts and prizegiving
10:15 The 2020 Answer: Skills for survival
We may be very good at providing training in our stations but have we correctly divined what skills our staff will need in ten years from now? How can we find out what those skills should be? And it is not just production staff who need skills, so do managers: it’s called “leadership”. What leadership style from our station managers and leading executives will make our survival as regional public service broadcasters most likely? CIRCOM Regional has carried out its own skills survey market research from its members: find the results here.
Henry Eagles, Skillset UK and ex Scottish Television
Doug Macnamara, Canadian leadership expert presentation
Catherine Bomeisl, CIRCOM Deputy General Secretary and FTV
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 My CIRCOM Regional 2020
In a fast changing media industry in Europe, what should be the role of CIRCOM and how might it need to change to sustain its relevance? CIRCOM sets out its own business plan for the next decade. This is also the Annual General Meeting of CIRCOM, at which President and Secretariat explains to all what it has been doing and answers your questions and hears your comments.
Michael Lally, President and RTE
Catherine Bomeisl, CIRCOM Deputy General Secretary and FTV
12:30 Closing Ceremony
Formal closing, thank yous and the installation of the new Vice President from TVR, Elena Spanily, as we look ahead to the next conference in Timisoara, Romania, in 2011.
13:00 Conference Ends