Plenary Sessions (Ballroom)
09:00 Welcome to the 2020 Vision
The business of the conference starts here as the scene is set for 2020 by the Malta Government, PBS Malta and CIRCOM Regional and delegates are welcomed.
Michael Lally, President of CIRCOM Regional
Dolores Christina, Minister of Education, Employment and Family
Joshep Mizzi, Chairman, PBS Malta and Vice President, CIRCOM Regional
- 09:45 The challenges facing Public Service Broadcasting
A review of the key issues which public service broadcasters in the regions face as the new decade starts – from finance to competition, from new forms of distribution to constant demands for change and efficiencies in the studios. Claudio Cappon is in a unique position to assess the challenges.
Claudio Cappon, Vice President, European Broadcasting Union
10:30 The challenge of competition: How our competitors plan to get there ahead of us
It is not just PSBs which are facing up to change: so do our competitors. What are their plans for the next decade and how confident are they that they will win the battle for viewers? It is a competition which is increasingly moving into web, mobile and self-select as well as continuing in linear TV.
Chair: Michael Lally, President of CIRCOM Regional
Ross Biggam, Association of Commercial TV Broadcasters
John Ranelagh, TV2 Norway
11:30 Coffee break
- 12:00 The challenge of change for Public Service Broadcasters
After the view from Europe on the challenges, now here is a view from the other side of the Atlantic. In this keynote, Doug MacNamara, the Canadian leadership expert, examines the threats to public service television and offers advice on how they can be countered.
Chair: Michael Lally, President of CIRCOM Regional and Doug Macnamara, Banff Executive Leadership and International Institute for TV Media Leadership
Doug Macnamara's presentation
13:00 Lunch break, with TV Dating at the restaurant lunch tables
14:15 The challenge of having no money
What use are brilliant ideas and production energy without enough money to do the job and certainty of funding going forward to allow investment risks to be taken. In the aftermath of a deep recession, do we have to admit that the money has run out for public service broadcasters in the regions?
Chair: Boris Bergant, former President and General Secretary of CIRCOM Regional and Vice President, EBU
Miklos Haraszti, formerly Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Jacques Briquemont, RTBF and formerly EBU
Michel Gregoire, EGTA (European Association of Television and Radio Sales Houses) presentation
15:15 The challenge of TV on the move
Gone are the days when television was watched by a family huddled around a television set in its home, watching programmes in the order decreed by a scheduling expert in a television centre. For viewers, we now have users; for TV sets, mobile phones; for programmes, video downloads. Is this a world in which regional public service broadcasters can ever hope to compete?
Chair: Marija Nemcic ,HRT and Prof Dr Heinz Gerhäuser, Fraunhofer
16:00 Coffee break
- 16:15 The challenge of operational change
New technology, new working practices, new structures: all contribute to a constant change in regional public service broadcasters as we struggle to contain costs and quality. But are we doing enough? And what are the lessons we are learning?
Chair: Roel Dijkhuis, consultant, RTV Noord and former Vice President of CIRCOM Regional
Jean-Marc Dubois, FTV Regions
Gert Semler, management consultant
Grethe Gynnild Johnsen, NRK
Brigitte Vermeersch, VRT
17:15 The challenges of 2020: An overview
After a day of challenges, how seriously should we take the problems which face us? Are they insurmountable or are there reasons to be cheerful?
Michael Lally, President of CIRCOM Regional
Ross Biggam, ACT
Miklos Haraszti, former OSCE
Marija Nemcic, HRT
17:45 Close of the day of challenges
Programme Ideas Exchange (Castile room)
14:15 Programme Ideas Exchange
If you have formats and programme ideas and want others to join you in co-operation or co-production, this is the workshop for you. If you are looking for new formats and partners, this is where you will fi nd them. The session is open to all to discuss programmes. There is also an opportunity to fi nd out about the provision of facilities for coverage of the European Parliament and the online Europarl TV service.
Chairs: Alexander Pletser, RTBF, and Heike Stiegler, BRF Studio Franken
Including Fernando Carbajo and Kirsten van Kampen, European Parliament, George Kasimatis, Europarl TV, and Patrick Delfosse, Mostra
17:00 Session ends and move to Plenary Ballroom