25yearsCR pet zimm

pdf n "25 YEARS OF CIRCOM REGIONAL" by Peter Zimmermann


Book "25 Years of CIRCOM Regional" was written by Peter Zimmermann, an important and formative character of the CIRCOM family. As Secretary General he raised the association into its final structure and created the portfolio of duties which is still valid today.

Boris Bergant, former President and Secretary General of CIRCOM Regional, describes both Peter and CIRCOM Regional:

"CIRCOM regional is a special group of enthusiasts. We have never been linked by plenty of funds but constantly keep providing remarkable results. There has to be something more that keeps us together – mission, ideals, mutual trust and respect. Maybe the perception that we feel obliged to educate, encourage and attract the upcoming generations of open-minded and dedicated broadcasters whose vision although acting a regional scale, does not stop just across the street. Typically Peter."