Training activities in 2005

youth2005Paris, France
April 19th – 24th 2005

CIRCOM Regional held its first ever Youth Programme makers seminar in Paris. Delegates from 9 countries attended to exchange views and ideas about youth programmes in their stations. Karol Cioma of the Thomson Foundation and Johanna Wallins of SVT, Vaxjo, Sweden organised and ran the course for the delegates from Croatia, Cyprus, France, Hungary,Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Spain.

The seminar was supported by France 3 and held at the premises of France 3 Formation's training centre near the Eiffel Tower. Monsieur Remy Pflimlin, Director General of France 3 and CIRCOM Regional National Co-ordinator Jean-Marie Belin welcomed the delegates and opened the seminar. France 3 also provided guest speakers and experts who illustrated the out-put and strategy for youth programming in the channel.

The seminar was partly funded by the Council of Europe Department of Youth and Sport and their representative Michael Ingledow was in attendance.

The delegates had an opportunity to exchange views and ideas about youth programmes. Each of them also had the opportunity to showcase their own productions for critical analysis. All agreed that the seminar had been very useful to them and they all hoped that the future would bring co-productions and exchanges within the youth programmes genre. There was also a real desire to see the seminar become an annual event and that their work may soon be show-cased through a Prix CIRCOM prize for Best European Regional Youth Programme.


Budapest 24th - 29th October and 31st October - 5th November 2005

Video Journalism Workshops in Budapest

Two 6 day “Introduction to Video Journalism” workshops have been completed in Budapest. The courses led by Ian Masters and organised by Karol Cioma, both of the Thomson Foundation, were attended by 16 delegates from 12 countries representing 16 different Circom Regional member stations. Magnus Brenna Lund from NRK Norway and Darko Flajpan from HRT Croatia also attended the workshops as trainers.

Within six days, people who had never used a camera or edited their own material before, or who in fact had never visited Budapest before, were producing their own stories on subjects such as property investment in Budapest, fare dodging on public transport, theatre therapy for addicts, Hungarian suicide rates and graffiti vandalism.

The workshops held once a year for Circom Regional training were held at the European Youth Centre in the heart of Budapest.

pdf n Workshops report, prepared by Ian Masters and Karol Cioma

vj2005 1vj2005 2vj2005 3
vj2005 4vj2005 5vj2005

pdf n Introduction to Video Journalism Flyer
pdf n Workshop 1 Programme

CIRCOM Executive Management Seminar
Budapest, March 8th – 11th 2005


Seminar for TV Youth Programme Makers
Paris, France
April 19th – 24th 2005


Television Journalism Workshop video n
Liverpool , UK
18th – 29th May 2005


Introduction to Video Journalism 1 & 2
Budapest, Hungary
24th - 29th October and 31st October - 5th November 2005

Newsroom Management Seminar  flag-fra
Strasbourg , 14th - 19th November 2005
This was the 6 th News Management Workshop held in Strasbourg. The 6 day seminar was available to all Circom Member Stations and aimed at those responsible for the decision making processes within a television news operation. During the course, delegates visited the European Institutions, the Parliament and the Council of Europe, and experienced first-hand the operations of these organisations. It was a perfect opportunity to make contacts and develop a cross-European network.
Seminar programme: flag-fra

Liverpool , 18th – 29th May 2005 

The twelfth Circom Regional Journalism Workshop took place in Liverpool during what can only be described as an historical week for the city and also for the delegates. Yes, Liverpool may have taken the Champions League Cup but Circom Regional gained their reward with another winning workshop.

Twenty four delegates representing 11 different countries and 20 television stations attended. Trainers and technicians from the Thomson Foundation, France 3, ARD Berlin and HRT Croatia supported this unique event, the only multi-national workshop of its kind in Europe. 


Delegates during their seminar The Liverpool trainers and trainees 2005
Marija Nemcic,
Secretary General of Circom Regional
presenting Certificates to the delegates

The atmosphere in Liverpool during the time of the workshop can only be described as electric. The home of the Beatles provided a welcome and openness that had to be experienced to be believed. The delegates had to work hard not to be too overcome with the emotion of the city and its people when producing their stories of Liverpool . These included a portrait of a seaman and the former glories of the port of Liverpool, an investigation into the redevelopment of housing, a look at the economic situation surrounding dockland businesses and of course a report on Liverpool Football Club winning the Champions League.


Of course the Beatles could not be forgotten and an evening reception on board a Ferry Cross the Mersey with a Beatles tribute band provided a reminder of how special the Beatles are throughout the world. But the best was yet to come, when the young journalists sang a song to their tutors, their tribute to their band of trainers. “Let Them Teach”, which they adapted from the Beatles song “Let it Be”, was performed by the Circom Choir at the farewell dinner in a local Italian restaurant.


The “Circom Choir” singing
“Let Them Teach”
The people of Liverpool welcome
Circom Regional trainees


The 2005 workshop will stay in the memory for a long time and once again Circom Regional Training produced a winning team of true European Champions.

Let Them Teach
To be sung to the tune of The Beatles “Let it Be”.

When we found ourselves in times of trouble, father Karol came to us,
Speaking words of wisdom, let him be.
And in the hour of package trouble, Ian was always there for us, speaking words of wisdom, let him be.
Let them be, let them be, let them be, let them be,
Speaking words of wisdom, let them be.

And when we had to learn the tango, Didier was always there for us,
Making a perfect sequence, all in French.
Let him dance, let him dance, let him dance, let him dance,
Making the perfect sequence, let him dance.

For all who like to rock and roll, there is still the Cavern pub,
Where we'll find Francois, dancing wild, dancing wild.
Let them dance, let them dance, let them dance, let them dance,
There'll always be the French, let them dance, let them dance.

And then there's always Hans' earring, shining very bright on us,
Keeping us awake, in the class.

We had to wake up early morning, working with the cameramen,
Shooting loads of pictures, let them shoot, let them shoot.
Let them shoot, let them shoot, let them shoot, let them shoot.
They sure left an impact, thank you guys,
Oh Gerard, Oh Andi, Oh Mark, oh Darko, and don't forget Drazen, thank you guys, thank you guys,

Thank you guys, thank you guys, thank you guys, thank you guys,
We can all now think in pictures, thank you guys, thank you guys!!!!